Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pour one out.

Shannon Laffin'

Tilly face

I've been trying to take more photos lately. I've slipped from one of my passions. I could easily drop all the others I have acquired to gain this one back again.

We received some bad news about a co-worker/great guy this morning. He succumbed to the cancer he was battling for two years.
Victor was incredibly funny, easy going, constantly cheerful even when he was in pain. He'll be greatly missed by many many people. My heart goes out to his family and what must be a ton of friends this genuinely positive man must have made along the way.
When he was in the office, he'd go to lunch with us as often as possible. For some reason we ended up going to BW3's more often than not. Tonight we went to B-Dubs for dinner, minus the company of such a cool guy.

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