Sunday, June 6, 2010

mini update

I have no pictures to offer today, although I have been working on my projects. 
Mostly it is a pro bono that I'm doing for my sister's twin boys.  I'm currently painting a Star Wars mural across their bed room walls.  It's going to consist of several of the main ships from the original 3. As well as the more important planets in the Star Wars universe.  I would say I'm about 60% done with the room so far.  I can't wait until it's finished, I'll get to set up my tripod and camera and attempt a panoramic of the thing in it's entirety.  Should be great.

I do have a few more things lined up for this coming month as well as July.  A co-worker has asked me to photograph her wedding on July 10th.  Then I also have a cake due for a baby shower on July 24th.

Decorating cakes has been something I've never been paid to do, this will be the first.  I'm still not sure what to charge, as it's for a cousin's friend.  Family discount?  I read somewhere that charging 3-4 times the cost of materials is a reasonable rate for a cake for family.  But even then, with cost of fondant, mix, icing, food coloring, 3-4 cost of materials will be in the 100+ dollar range.  That seems too much to me, but after all it's my first time.

I'm also hoping to have my work bench finished by next month, so I may have a few furniture pieces under my belt.  I have several ideas, including a redesign of an old gamer chair that I'd like to basically give legs so it sits higher up off the ground.

Even though I have very little to share today, I felt the need to post because it was a beautiful day. We're winding down after a wonderful afternoon in the sun, and dinner at my parent's house.  The dogs are napping (they're obviously so tired from sleeping all day), the husband is in the other room laying prone and surfing Reddit no doubt, and here I am posting the second of what may be many official blog entries to document my creative process.

Enjoy your days.


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