Friday, April 27, 2012

Another week

It's been another week, and where I left off was just before the day before Thunder Over Louisville.
I live in Germantown, which is fairly close to downtown.  Some of the planes and helicopters from the air show usually fly over my house while they wait for their turn to show off on the river, and you can just see the fireworks over the tops of the trees, although you can't get the full effect since there are some beautiful fireworks going on down on the bridge/barge.

It was a cold day that luckily only rained a bit in the morning but remained chilly and windy.  Some of the family showed up, my sister with her husband Josh, her kids Taylor and Callum, my mom and step dad Floyd.  My husband's mom even stopped by.  I usually keep it family as to reduce the amount of mess I'll have to clean, although I managed to buy enough food for a small army to sustain us through the day.  I miss the nice weather Thunder days, though.  We haven't had a bright sunny Thunder in about three years.

I was a little bummed since it took some time to see any of the airplanes over our house.  I was told they had a new route up and down the river, running East/West, whereas our place is South of downtown.  Eventually, though, some of the jets passed over, and a couple helicopters circled the house a few times.

I think I let my nephews screaming get to me a little too much, but I just couldn't help it.  I have no problem with them playing loudly, they were outside and pretending to shoot at some of the aircraft, which is fine.  To scream at the top of your lungs for no other reason than to just do so is another matter.  I tried to keep them quiet, calmer, with no results.  Kids will be kids.  I was dubbed the "fun police" by Floyd for the rest of the day.  I'm betting if we were at his house, he would have acted the same way, though.

It was a fun day, though.  Good to hang out with the fam and eat some food.  We grilled burgers, baked chicken wings, had an array of fruits, and chips with dips, and a whole thing of green beans went untouched because we made entirely too much food.

I had to denounce my mother because she said that the Redvines I bought were nasty.  Get out of my home, woman. I don't know you, anymore!  Redvines are fucking amazing.  They remind me of my summers with Rhiana and my Dad's family in California.  We would always buy one of those giant tubs of Redvines before heading out to the lake for the weekend.  Lisa's whole side of the family would go and we'd ride in a speed boat and some of us would ski, or knee-board, or ride on one of those inflatable torpedo things.  I miss those times and going to the lake on a summerly basis.  I proposed a few weeks back that we start that tradition again on this side of the family, so Rhiana's kids could have those memories like we did.  I have to do some research for a decent lake destination with a cabin and camping close to each other.

I'd kill to get my hands on some of Lisa's photo albums.  I'm betting there are a lot of photos from the lake somewhere.  Rhiana and I never really took photos ourselves while in California, we realized.  Now that Dad is gone, getting our hands on them might be more complicated than it should be.

I MUST POST MORE OFTEN!  That's all for now, though.

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