Friday, April 20, 2012

So much...

This wasn't even the worst of it..
It's been a while since I updated.  The gist of what happened is soon after my last post I got a horrible eye infection that kept me out of work for three days.  The eye doctor said it was a stye, but no one else seems to think that is the case once they saw the amount of swelling that happened to my eye.  The doctor saw it pre-swelling when it was just painful.  My eye swelled up like someone hit me straight in my eye socket.  I got over that with the help of some borrowed anti-biotic drops from my sister.

Last week's excitement was that a friend of ours shot himself in the hand.  We had to help walk the dogs for them while he and his wife were in the hospital.  That was pretty crazy.  Matt and I treated it like two forensic detectives when he got there.  Interesting to see the aftermath, to walk in someone's footsteps when something horrible happened and see their thought process.  That's all I want to talk about it since it's a touchy subject for him still.  He had surgery and DID NOT lose his hand, thankfully.  Just some damage and a wounded ego I imagine.

I'm working on pieces of art, I finished the one of my Uncle Barry, who passed in January. Once my mom gets to see it in person I will be sending it off to my Aunt Pam to put up on her mantle next to the one of my grandparents that I made for Barry some time ago.

I'm nearly finished with the first Game of Thrones book and I'm super excited about all of it.  Seriously, all of it.  I'm more excited than anything to be ahead of the HBO show.  The direwolves on the show are fucking massive this season!  It blew my mind.  

Tomorrow is my Thunder Over Louisville party that I've been throwing for the past couple years.  I generally just have the family over and cook some food and we watch the jets fly over the house and crane our necks to see the fireworks over the tree line.  You can see it alright, but my neighborhood has a ton of trees.

I'm trying to update more often, I promise.  Until then, I'm not leaving to visit my sister on my weekly "Ashley Day" at her place.

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